The SAJN system is an effective and modern combat and defense system, in which we put pressure on providing our instructors and students with a complete set of self-defense techniques and tools.
The system has been developed to maximize the effectiveness of defense techniques, ease of teaching and simplicity of defense sequences and techniques. That is why the self-defense system we offer does not require students to prepare themselves beforehand, and the age or physical fitness is not essential. Our instructors receive a complete training program which methodology allows quick knowledge acquisition by the students.
Techniques based on the analysis of the movement of the human body and the manner of action of aggressors, cause students to master the knowledge that ensure their safety in a shorter time.

We will teach you:
- How to improve your safety so that you will not become a victim of an assault.
- How to defend against various types of attacks, including dangerous tools such as knife, bottle or an ax.
- How to free yourself from all sorts of grips and holds.
- How to defend yourself in a variety of situations, such as in small rooms or after a fall.
- Technics of strikes and counterattack kicks.
- Defense against numerous attackers.
Our offer includes trainings:
- Individual and in groups
- For beginners and advanced
- Instructor courses
The SAJN system, apart from using tools such as a telescopic baton and knife during an intervention, also includes a complete set of defense and hand-to-hand combat techniques.
Innovative sets of techniques, supported by surprising and effective tactics, result in the simplicity and effectiveness of the fight.
We teach how to use elements of steals, descents, kicks, strikes, levers, and proper movement. This allows to conduct combat in a manner that is as compatible with the natural ergonomics of the human body as possible and complies with the analysis of aggressors' behavior.

We will teach you:
- Innovative use of combat in direct distance
- Technique of defense against an opponent armed with a knife, a bottle or an axe
- How to behave during a robbery with a use of firearm
- Technics of kicks and hand blows, and defense against such attacks
Our offer includes trainings:
- Individual and in groups
- For beginners and advanced
- Instructor courses